Bowden E.
March 6, 2025:
Fast forward a month later, and significant progress has been made. We sent out the email to at least 50 people who signed up on Donut Day. Only a few people responded and so far for the nonexercise group, two people have recorded. As of today, Luc and I recorded data from two WISRD members who weren't a part of Donut Day but signed up voluntarily. I love my fellow WISRD students for helping us out. In more specifics, we had them run for 7 1/2 minutes and recorded their saliva before and after. We are thinking that getting the PE students involved might help us accumulate more participants.
January 28, 2025:
Donut day was a huge success and we luckily got a huge amount of people. I think we might even have to many. I recorded a photo of the super long line so that it can be shown as evidence in phase 1.
January 9, 2025:
Donut signup day is in the works hopefully we get a good amount of people
December 17, 2024: POSTER DAY.
here are notes from the poster session:
October 17, 2024:
Today I sent Megan a detailed proposal to buy a super-advanced EMG device and to become the PI of that lab. I’m hoping it works out because I am super interested in it. Here’s what I wrote:
Dear Megan,
I hope all is well. I have spent at least 10+ hours researching EMG sensors in my private time. Due to the elevated cost, I can't purchase it independently, but it would be excellent too; for WISRD. I know this is a significant amount of money but here are the reasons why I think it would be a great tool for WISRD:
Members such as Rhone, Zac M, Luc, Viggo, and Jake have expressed interest due to their love for sports/sports optimization
Others and I could dive into an overly complicated and controversial fitness industry by uncovering the truth behind different muscle/exercise/ and health accusations
This tool would allow for physical data and the ability to publish research with extremely accurate evidence.
Below are links/photos
October 3, 2024:
Started on Dark Matter Day. Made two posters for the project. The posters were sent too Megan. The posters were also good enough that Megan used them as an example to the entire WISRD class.
September 30, 2024:
Today I worked on starting my proposal and starting my research. Here is what I have so far:
Hypothesis: If we monitor the relationship between cortisol and testosterone levels, I expect that as testosterone levels increase cortisol levels decrease.
Things to keep in mind:
According to research testosterone is typically highest between 7 am - 10am. This would be the ideal testing time so that we can see our baseline max (link to source)
Ideally within the first three hours or waking up
Test twice a day because these levels fluctuate constantly
Once in the morning and once in the afternoon
Even taking a test the night before can show levels that are significantly lower than during the day
September 26, 2024: After a big struggle trying to learn these extremely advanced software’s it seems that Luc and I don’t have the ability to do this one our own. In the meantime, we are switching to starting a hormone lab. As of right now the focus is on testosterone and cortisol.
September 12, 2024: The two applications we are exploring are Blender and Ansys. They have built-in wind tunnels. However, they have presented as a challenge because of the difficult learning curve.
August 29: The Automotive Car lab has officially started and is run by Luc and me. We are looking at installing applications to measure different renders of cars to then hopefully be able to build ourselves.
May 8, 2024: Link to the car found on facebook marketplace (a lot of potential) link. Here is a link to the dimensions that will provide Luc and I with a structure to 3d print off and mold off of. link
May 6, 2024: Ask Matt about using Molds for the bodykit. It might help with the design and functionality part. I will consult with Matt tomorrow after I have conducted further research,
April 29, 2024: I am currently looking into the changes that were mentioned to me at the poster session. One individual was going to contact her friend working in a similar field and get back to me. This never happened so I can assume it won’t come through but you never know. For the next year, I am looking into the car field to work with my friend Luc. Together we have created a document to list ideas and anything else that is important to start looking into. I am excited at the possibilities so that’s why I’m glad I have a good chance at being in his block.
April 24, 2024
During WISRD POSTER SESSION: casting and molding for a successful shoe because temperature poses issues.
try printing with different filaments.
April 10, 2024:
I finally got the neuroscience(sleep) measuring to work however I found many inconsistent data. I spent a ton of time trying just to get it to work and now that it does I feel like I want to take a little bit of a break. In the meantime, I’m making good progress with the 3d print shoe. I talked to Megan and my idea is to fine-tune the process of printing it. So that I can perfect the printer settings and process. This will most likely take me until the end of the semester. Starting next year I hope to dive into the design aspect and make my models for certain purposes.
March 12, 2024:
I am doing a kinesiology lab with the neuroscience equipment because the teacher was very kind and allowed wisrd to borrow it. I am interested specifically in monitoring sleep. So Megan was kind enough and order the headband part that I needed to be able to track the sleep. On the flip side, I researched TPU troubleshooting to figure out why the shoe print failed. I think the issue is the retraction settings in Cura.
These are the default saying: Retraction distance: 7mm & Retraction speed: 35 mm/s. According to my research, I need to tweak the distance by 1 mm until it works and the speed by 5mm/s until it works.
Lab Ideas
TPU Shoes vs Regular Shoes = Which is more durable?
Human Attraction? Study how humans get attracted to one or the other
February 27, 2024: Today I arrived in class with an email from Megan. It turns out my first test print has failed because it didn’t “adhere.” I am spending today trying to troubleshoot this issue. I am hoping this isn’t a challenging fix and it will be a quick fix.
Update: A possible solution is to dehydrate the filament because tpu collects too much moisture from the environment
January 29, 2024: I think my lack of interest in my topics of study has led to a lack of motivation. In Wie, I demonstrated a ton of effort and so I think I’m going to continue with some of my ideas from that class. That being said I am going to investigate 3d printed shoes. I have found a model and we have ordered the TPU filament. Currently I need to test to see if the TPU will work so that we don’t waste it.
January 11, 2024: I have taken an interest in helping Luca with his project. Currently, it consists of just Viggo and him. However, I feel that I could help them and be a more technical side of the goal. I thought of maybe placing a live feed over the tanks to monitor it. I hopefully could embed this into the wisrd website.
January 3, 2024: I am starting in a new year and hoping to make strives with my project. I don’t feel like building a model first is smart if I’m not even sure how I will power it. Therefore I am looking at making a working energy system and then after that, I can approach the idea of either printing a sturdy model or buying one.
December 4, 2023: I am currently printing parts for my RC car. I am finally making progress and it feels so good. As I am working on my project I am also working on my fall poster. I am spending a lot of time making sure I am putting in details and working hard on the design.
November 14, 2023: As I wait to print a model I found online I am researching the motor and technical aspects of the RC car. I need to try and learn and understand how to connect the receiver to the remote and how to connect the receiver to the motor. I created a document with links to possible products I found
November 6, 2023: I have found a 3d Model and I am currently trying to extract the different individual parts so I can paste them into a spreadsheet. I am facing challenges with this though. I don’t know how to individually download the files so I am trying to learn.
October 10, 2023: Today i’m researching using different electricity sources on toy cars to see how they would work in the world.
September 26, 2023: For the past two-plus weeks I have spent every class studying project ideas. I am stuck and I don’t know what to do.
September 6, 2023: I have started editing my proposal to Max about a possible heat/cold therapy lab
September 5, 2023: Today I researched more possible ideas in the kinesiology group
August 29, 2023: Today I’m going to continue to research projects that might interest me. I am hoping to discover something unique to work on.
Dark Matter Day:
I presented on Tesla Coils. It was super fun and awesome to teach kids about this invention. My group Members were Viggo and Luca
Statement of interest, Spring 2023: As a student, I have such a strong interest in both science and mathematics. I enjoy learning about space science, astrophysics, and physics. These topics are important to me as I strive to learn more and improve the world. I believe that Wisrd would enable me to develop technologies and solutions that could be used to address global concerns. In order to make a difference to any issue I am interested in, I hope to pursue an idea that is specifically related to physics. I will do this by using the skills developed in ninth grade along with the support of my peers. In WISRD, I would love to invent shoes that product as much vertical jump as possible and that have an air propulsion system. These would basically be like anti gravity boots. I could combine my interest in physics and mathematics to produce a prototype of this.