Isaac R.
IR Radiation Lab
Writing & Links
Ever since Isaac was 4, he was fascinated by science. At first, his interests were focused on archaeology and paleontology, which he pursued for 3 years before becoming more interested in engineering. He continued to focus on this until he turned 11. After some time, his intreats shifted to biology and chemistry, and then agin to physics. As he continued to study this, he became increasingly more interested in astrophysics and cosmology. When he joined WISRD, he continued to develop his interests in this by researching the standard model. After several months of studying this, he decided to start a project that revolved around testing the amount of radiation that is released by self driving cars, and if this radiation is dangerous. This has been his primary focus in WISRD and he plans to continue this project.
Today I researched the standard model and cosmic rays. I looked into how nuclear fusion and fission play a role in cosmic rays as well as the effects a solar flare has in it.
Today, I learned about the new cosmic ray detector and what each part does. I also did some research on what would be needed to build a cloud chamber. the last thing I did was draft an inquiry pitch on the standard model.
Today, I did more research into the standard model. I looked into what an axion is, and the antimatter variations of quarks and leptons.
While researching, I found four different standard modules, each with a different part than the other had, but could not find one with all of the elements. I started to make my own version that had all the aspect in the same model. I will need to keep woking on this next class.
I finished the standard model I was making by the end of class.
I did research into what the standard model equation is and what each part means.
Today I rewrote the information I had for my inquirer.
Today I looked into what anti matter, dark matter and dark energy is, and how we think it works. I also digitized and simplified the drawing I made above of the legrangian theory everything.
Today I read three lessons from Seven Brief Lessons in Physics by Carlo Rovelli and then format my inquirer article, so I have a better understanding of what I need wright.
Today I spoke with Megan about an idea for a project I had about studying the radiation given off by Waymo self-driving cars. I did some research into the type of radar used and what the hazards associated with them were and found that it released microwave radiation. I thought of a few ways that this could be tested:
Test 1: we could monitor the microwave radiation released from a parking lot vs the microwave radiation released by the Waymo charging lot.
Test 2: EMF readings could be taken from different sides/ the inside of the Waymo versus EMF readings from a normal car sides/inside.
Test 3: Microwave radiation could be recorded from a street where there were no Waymos and the results could be compared to the microwave radiation reales from a street with no Waymos driving on it.
To do these tests, a EMF detector would be needed, and having 2 would make it easier, and there was also a pice of equipment in WIZRD that Megan suggested I use.
Today I worked on preparing 3D printed skulls for the WILD project’s Dark Matter Day booth.
Today I learned how to calculate the length that the antenna of a radio telescope would need to be to detect microwaves. I need to do more research to find out what frequency the Waymo cars use, the the radio telescope I make will detect there radiation.
Today I worked on creating a pitch for my Waymo Project that I can use to propose my project to the WISRD board.
Today I refined the experiment I wanted to do using a Waymo so it would give me better more accurate results.
Today researched the effects of microwaves on the human body, and what different levels of exposures do.
Today I did some more research into the affects of microwave radiation on humans.
Today I reviewed my pitch for the Waymo Project in preparation for the board meeting tomorrow.
Earlier today the Waymo project was approved by the board, and is not called the “IR Radiation Lab”. to further the lab I did more research into there sensor layout of the Waymos.
Today I tried to find images for my poster that could help me explain my project and its background. I also talked with Megan about a potential experiment: I could put a radio telescope in my car and park outside the Waymo service station and leaving it running with a camera to see what happens when a Waymo leaves over the coarse of an hour.
Today I did more research on the type of radiation that is released from Waymo radars.
Today I worked on my poster in preparation for poster session on the December 17th.
Today I did some final edits to my poster and then submitted it so it will be printed for the upcoming poster session.
Today Prepared for the poster session tonight by looking over my poster.
Since it is the first day of the second semester today, I made plans and deadlines for my self. This semester I plan to have enough research by the end of this year to publish a technical paper.
Today I looked into how reliable the Bioinitiative is, so I can potentially use it as a reference for EMF health risks
Today I figured out the frequency range that are bing detected by the EMF detectors we have. I also found a new detector specifically for microwaves.
Today I looked back on the detector I ordered, and tried to find an alternative one. the new detector I plan to use can identify possible sources of the radiation it is detect and logs data.
Standard Model Research Sources:
Waymo Project Sources:
Standard Model Research Images
IR Radiation Lab Images