Ivy S.
Physiology Group
Posters - 2
Despite the previous website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Hydroponics Group this year.
JOURNAL - 22-24
Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of wisrd.org
Today is my first day in wisrd. I am interested in life science. A group I want to get involved in is the physiology and or the marine biology group.
Today I researched the about the Emotiv device. I planned on also researching the effects that climate change has had and will continue to have on the stress levels of marine animals.
Today I did more research on the emotiv device. Specifically if it would detect the affects music has on the brain. I had the idea to run an experiment bringing in multiple students and playing different types of music and noticing the different types of affects it has.
Today I decided to research plant growth. I will be growing peace Lily’s in two low light environments, one with music playing and and one high light environment. I will be using the germination tray that has already been established by the hydroponics group.
I established I will be joining the hydroponics group. I did research on the hydroponics group and also did some research on how to build a basic hydroponics system
Today I assembled the container for my small hydroponics system.
9/ 6/22
I planted the lettuce seeds in the incubator. They need to sit they for 7 to 10 days. Im currently in the process of building the hydroponics system. What is left to do is assemble the air pump which is coming in the mail.
Today was the third day of my lettuce seeds being in the incubator. There is a decent amount of growth already. I watered them today.
Today the lettuce has reached growth where it us ready to be transferred to my hydroponics system. Ive assembled the air pump and I am now adjusting the water to be sustainable for the plants.
Today I planted 10 more seedlings. I am going to run a series of trials in the hydroponics system slightly changing the conditions each time while keeping a constant variable in the incubator. By doing this I will evaluate what works most effectively and then once I figure that out I will figure out why.
I checked the PH levels of my water and they are looking good I will continue to check them each class. I also measured my plant growth with a caliber which I will also continue to do each class.
Today Ive measured my plants and watered my controlled plants.
Today i’ve measured my plants. They seem to be growing but at a very slow rate. Mean while my seedlings are full grown and ready for transfer so I am waiting fo the big hydroponics system to be set up(will take a week). I also pulled out some of the wilted seeds in each of the pots and made each pot contain 8 seeds.
Today I changed my system for measuring my plants. I discovered that in this state of growth they are growing more outward rather than up. So, I started measuring their diameter. I also discovered any easier way to measure them is to remove the plastic and place it on another surface to allow my measurements to be more accurate and to make the process easier.
Today I brainstormed and worked on my proposal for my inquirer pitch.
9/ 29/22
Today I decided to write my inquirer article about the effect schoolwork has on the stress levels of students. I’ve finished writing my proposal. I had a new idea to test if we are over watering our crops. This will be perfect since california is in a drought. I will do an experiment on my next batch of plants where I will water one plant every day, one every two days, one every 3 days, etc.
Today all of my plants died and I decided to conclude my experiment. I’ve overall generally learned how hydroponics works. I gained the insight that hydroponics is a very specific science that is very advanced. It takes a lot of working parts to make your plants successfully grow. Today Im cleaning up my experiment and researching the new project I will be starting.
Today is the first day of wisrd. I have intentions this year to have a more structured research question. I am currently in hydroponics but I am considering exploring the stress group.
I asked two students to take a multiplication test and two to take a addition test. One of the multiplication students was listening to music. One of the addition students was listening to music.
Student #1: addition with music
Stress level before - 2
Stress level during - 3
Stress level after - 2
he was listening to coming music and says that it helped keep hime focused and less stressed
Student #2: addition with no music
Stress level before - 5
Stress level during - 6
Stress level after - 5
he says that if he was listening to music it would have made the test less stressful
Student #3: Multiplication with music
Stress level before - 5
Stress level during - 7
Stress level after - 7
He says that the music stressed hime out, important to note that he was listening to up beat energetic music.
Student #3: Multiplication with music
Stress level before - 2
Stress level during - 6
Stress level after - 3
she says that if she was listening to music it would have been less stressful to complete the test
April 8th
Sunrise absorbance reader came. Setup process included plugging it into power and computer. software is already installed in the computer.
April 9th
Read about how to use the antigen practice elisa test kit.
April 10th
Today in prep for the test elisa we reconstituted the chemicals. When cemicals are shipped they com dehydrated. We stored the chemicals in the fridge.
April 15
We continued to do work on the practice elisa lab. We are letting the samples sit in the fridge over night and will do the washing and buffing steps tomorrow. The anit-bodys will ideally stick to the wells. A question I have is will the expieremnt still work the same if we spread the washing process over the Course of a coupple days. To avoid the error we decided to do it all in one day.
April 18
The new sunrise absorbance reader can collect quantitative biological data. It can be used for a numerous amount of labs. Currently it will be used for the stress lab, cell research lab, and autoimmune disease lab. It has big potential for the future of WISRD labs and research.
Spring Poster: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UAg_gEkNgeq1i2s5-SakiWgIgkimmMdn3rh4V4u79aI/edit#slide=id.g63c2b18b36_0_0
poster citations -
Kalman, B. A., & Grahn, R. E. (2004a). Measuring salivary cortisol in the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3592595/
“Calm music irritates me during work time, i need to listen to intense music. However, I prefer music rather than no music.” - Kieren Boucher
April 30th
The initial cortisol saliva ELISA kit testing protocol will begin on may 7th. On this day the saliva samples of 10 participants will be collected in 9. Polypropylene tubes and stored in the fridge. I will need a Bench top centrifuge for the specimen.
September 5th
Completed material list in cortisol assay lab writing
research for background and introduction
September 9th
September 20th
November 1st
lab data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13CAyRNWqTv8CbKEbM1DYbmcWNIoYxExGPE5gUgbJaKg/edit?gid=1535426491#gid=1535426491
what does this data tell us?
The experimental control wells are within the range of the hypothesized control sample. This confirms the machine works and will provide accurate cortisol measurements.
December 3rd
Videos to help explain how the absorbance reader works and what ELISA is.
ASSAY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xU-McxmHrs
ELISA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRbuz3VQ100
CORTISOL - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5PLid7gbB0
STRESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5ScIqPnqf8
December 6th
https://app.jove.com/v/5024/microplate-reader-principle-data-interpretation-and-applications - how to understand absorbance reader
January 22nd
The study design was a quasi-experimental (pretest/posttest with no control group) study.
The hypotheses guiding our study were that art making would result in reduced cortisol levels; greater changes in cortisol reduction for those with prior art-making experience; and greater changes in cortisol reduction for participants who used art media such as clay compared with participants using more structured media such as collage or markers.
Sarstedt Salivette saliva collection tool prior to art making.
The study's pretest and posttest saliva samples were then transported on ice to a certified lab at the university where they were analyzed using the ELISA kit method. The data from the lab analysis of the saliva were available in unit measures of ng/ml (nanograms/milliliter). To further ensure against any potential bias in the analysis, the analyst in the lab was blind to the source of the samples and did not know whether they were pre or posttest data. The samples were also analyzed in duplicate in order to reduce any errors in single sample analysis.
T test
analyzed using Riessman's (2008) method for thematic analysis.
Changes in participants' pretest/posttest stress levels were measured via salivary cortisol (measured in nanograms/milliliter). A paired-sample t test indicated significant reductions in cortisol following the intervention. Mean scores for cortisol levels pretest (M = 17.85, SD = 5.11) and posttest (M = 14.77, SD = 5.06), t(38) = 4.54, p < .01, differed significantly. Cortisol levels ranged from 32.40 ng/ml to 5.05 ng/ml at pretest and from 25.00 ng/ml to 5.01 ng/ml at posttest. See Figure 1 for the changes in mean cortisol levels before and after art making.
February 10th
54 possible participants
Email sent to participants
This email is regarding a WISRD lab investigating music's effect on cortisol levels within Wildwood high school students, through the use of the Cortisol ELISA Saliva Test Kit and the Tecan Sunrise Absorbance reader. If you are on this email list, it means you have signed up or indicated your interest in participating. Thank you so much for your willingness to participate in this experiment.
You parents will have to initial it if you are under 18
There will also be a section where you can indicate which time slot works best for you
The collection should only take 30 minutes. For the best results, participants should not eat or drink for one hour prior to the collection. After the collection you will receive a thank you gift! If you have decided not to participate, please send me an email. Thank you!
13 responses of this day
trial time slots:
February 19th 1:30
February 19th 8:30
February 25th consultancy
February 26th 1:30
‘February 26th 8:30