Lukas Perttula
Synthetic Biology(P.I), Cosmic Ray Detection(former P.I/consultant)
I have been continuing to update our data table, but it has left me with little time to research how to actually do any of the genetic engineering aspect of the lab. I have decided that it was better to have a fully realized experiment instead of two half-baked ones, so I am focusing on data collection this year, so that hopefully next year someone will take my place and continue. If I only had a technician, then I defiantly could have done both, but I so far have failed in finding anyone that wants to join me.
anyhow, I have decided to expand my data collection by taking absorbance reader data, which tells us how much light a liquid absorbs (aka opacity). Right now I am planning on storing samples over a few days(freezing them in between) to get a bunch of data all at once. I will take my first absorbance reading next week, probably. also my stupid grow light burnt out so I have to get a new one of those as well. I really hope my algae dosn’t die without it :<.
The algae seems to be growing in the salt tank, although I will add more nutrients to both tanks when they arrive from Amazon. I have continued to collect data on the tanks and have put it all into a Google sheet so I can make graphs.
Here are a few updates from last week. I have added pH-up to the saltwater tank to prepare it for the algae. I will be adding the algae tomorrow.
Images from the past week showing water evaporation from the algae tanks. I don’t know why, but the freshwater tank with algae has had significantly more evaporation than the saltwater tank. I am going to fill both tanks up before I leave for the weekend and continue observing.
The algae arrived last Friday, and I was able to immediately put it into the freshwater wank I had prepared. It looks to have survived the weekend well, and I introduced algae to the saltwater tank as well. I have also taken the salinity level of the two tanks for data. the salt levels were taken after I added some freshwater with the algae to the saltwater tank. (salt(x) is the experimental.)
Fresh: 811ppm
Salt: 31ppt
Salt(x): 31.6ppt
We have gotten accustomed to the algae; the challenge now, however, is figuring out how to create the required plasmid(and primer?) in order to modify it for maximum salt consumption.
A few updates. firstly, it looks like we waited too long to use the Halobacterium because it all died. because of this we have decided that we need to use something easier to maintain and have now pivoted to using a species of algae called Chlorella Vulgaris.
I measured the salinity of the media again today, and it was HIGHER than yesterday, which is not the result that I was looking for. I learned that Halobacterioum needs oxygen or light to be able to grow, so I am moving them from the refrigerator to out in the open covered in parafilm instead of an air-tight seal. While I continue to measure their salinity consumption rate, I will also be researching what genetics are responsible for their internal salinity regulation/external salinity consumption. Hopefully, I will be able to duplicate those genetics to get the bacteria to process even more salt. I still need to research how to modify the DNA, though.
(Fig 11/12/2024) day 2 of measuring the halobacterium media salinity.
I have successfully made the media for the Halobacterium Salinarum, and it spent last Thursday and Friday in an incubator at 42C. I did remove it and refrigerate it over the weekend however. I realize that I probably should have measured the salinity before adding the bacteria, but oh well. I measured the salinity today(fig 1.).
(Fig 11/11/2024) The salinity and temperature measurement for the halobacterium media
using a Hoicated eclectic salinity measurer
This week I have been mostly waiting for my materials to arrive. In the meantime, I have completed my researcher profile, which is viewable at the bottom of the page. I have also started writing the procedure for growing and measuring the salt consumption of Halobacterium, which is available on the Synthetic Biology team page.
the synthetic biology lab was officially approved by the WISRD board last week. Since then I have started researching and organizing our first experiment. I am uploading all of my notes onto the WISRD slack page under #team-synthetic-biology. We will start by growing Halobacterium salinarum. We will then measure the rate and efficacy(how much salt is left) of the Archaea.
Here is a list of materials I sent to Megan:
6 Gallon Tank- ordering 9/9
Tank Aerator ordering 9/9
5.75 kg NaCl- we have this
460 g MgSO4(magnesium sulfate) - Tim has this
46 g KCl- WISRD has this
69 g NaH2C6H5O7 (Sodium Citrate dihydrate)- order this
Oxoid Peptone - order this
Stir Plate & Bar (or a Stir Stick if not available)- we have this
1 L Beaker- we have this
1 L Distilled Water- we make this
1 L Graduated Cylinder- we have this
1 L Bottle- we should get this
.01 g – 300 g capable Scale- we have this
Weigh boats and spatulas- we have this
To-do list:
Define cosmic ray shower
How often do cosmic ray showers occur?
try reading CERN article
How often should he be receiving them?
find CRD dimensions and divide by how often showers occur
read CRD manual
list our collected events with heights rate of coincidences
what should make the cut off?
Make observatory remote
finish stepper motor set up
ask Noam for more details
We have our goals now we must work towards them. my goal is the write a paper on our definition of cosmic ray shower by the end of the year.
Noam has gotten the stepper motors to run. I have started working on a paper about the standard model. Dark Matter Day went well, and my station was a success. starting to work on the next poster presentation on December 7th.
Noam has picked up the Stepper motor project, which is giving me time to work on analyzing data he is collecting with our cosmic ray detectors. I am using databases of known supernovas to check if the data we collected was special at those times. We are looking for supernovas specifically because capturing cosmic ray showers from supernovas can tell us about the life cycle of stars, which can give us insight into our own stars.
I’m back! and have been very busy. I have recruited two new members to the cosmic ray group(Noam and Jacob). I have also started an internship for Quarknet out of UCI under Michael Smy and Dr. Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux. In class, I am working on controlling an Arduino using a Raspberry PI so we can interact with the cosmic ray detectors remotely.
CRD control panel is under cd Downloads>(up arrow until you see the long file name)
CRD coincidence chart for port one looks weird(double peaks)
Port voltages read:
Port 1: 0.739
Port 2: 0.804
Port 3: 0.768
Port 4: 0.763
This reading is normal and hasn’t changed recently. why would the graph change if the voltage is the same?
In order to find the Radio Telescope raw data I had to use FileZilla to connect to the Pi holding the data ( Once you have connected, the files will be under
Home >radioastro>reaserch>gr-radio_astro>examples>data
The raw data should be downloadable. Download it to a computer (into a file, or it's a mess) and drop the file into the Google Drive Radio telescope raw data repository and once you are finished downloading, you are good to go!
Started collecting Data from the radio telescope at 9:05 AM
To do list:
cover and seal solar panel
fix fan to the pelican
access pelican case for ethernet cables
complete PVC line for cables
calibrate cosmic ray detector
finish water proof boxes
First Radio telescope roof test.
conditions: windy, clear skies
Unite: RadioTelescopeN (north)
Pi# 5300
started taking calibration .Hot files at 14:00
first file:
finished gathering .Hot files at 14:18 with 10 .Hot file in total
today I committed carpentry and sealed the wood boxes using silicon. I evenly placed the silicone anywhere the wood connected and made sure to fill in all the cracks as I screwed to board into place. the end product was a fully water tight box. (I wasn’t able to insert any pictures due to file incompatibility they are on my google drive email if needed.)
how to start the spectrometer calibration –
step 1) once you have set up the radio telescope (Image one) download and open VNC viewer
step 2) connect VNC viewer to the pi by entering the server address (192.168.168.## rest of the number should be labeled on the pi) and entering the user name and passcode (username: RadioAstro and the password is the regular WISRD, ask joe if you don know it)
step 3) open the directory panel and type the following command; cd examples/nsf than type NsfIntegrate100
Step 4) once you have reached the control screen for the spectrometer change the values in the gain 2 to 0, gain to 0 ,and gain 3 to 0 in that order. then turn gain 2 to 14, gain 3 to 14, and gain 1 to 18 in that order
step 5) flip the horn of the radio telescope to face the ground and change the elevation on the spectrometer control screen to -90 (remember to hit enter)
step 6) change the ods:: setting to Hot/Cold and the Rec:: to Average
step 7) the
To be continued…
Today I learned the difference between the period and the frequency of a wave, the period is the amount of time it takes for a full wave length to pass a point in space and the frequency is how many pass in one second.
Many things have happened since my last report. I wave been focused on my Vitae as well as continuing to work on the DISPIRA white paper and attending GAVRT sessions. I was also promoted to the position of GAVRT PI(primary investigator) due to me being the only member of GAVRT currently. I am hopping more people will chose to join the GAVRT group and I am doing my best to advertise and make the group sound appealing to attract new participants.
Continuing white paper. I am assigned to the waves section of the white paper and have finished gathering all the needed knowledge to write my paper on a Google doc.
I have started coordinating with my team regarding an experiment involving ionized hydrogen as an easy representation of the hydrogen line. I believe that it would make a good white paper and it would also help us understand how people came to find out about the hydrogen line.
continued reading the Eric Trumbauer article and taking cornel notes
Formally switched to the Radio telescopes team and started reading and writing notes on the provided articles
The first GAVRT session was mostly practice and making sure I knew everything necessary to participate in blackhole patrol
Today I joined the Hydroponics team and continued researching GAVRT in preparation for next Tuesday when am scheduled to use it.
Additional Information
For any questions about my reaserch please contact me at