Sky A.
WISRD Member
Take 3d photo
Turn the photo into a hologram
Project hologram
Learn how to code for a beating heart
Learn how to take a photo of a beating heart
Make a hologram of the beating heart
Oct. 8 I continued researching holograms, how to code for holograms, how to turn an image into a hologram, etc.
Oct. 14. I answered the WISRD survey and just did more research on materials for holograms, hearts, and how a holographic heart could be made.
Oct. 15- I researched some interesting facts about holograms looked up the meaning of a hologram and added all those things to my poster including some things about my project into the poster and the purpose behind holograms.
Oct. 16- After having Megan review my work on my poster I took out the information about my project and only included information and my research about holograms. I also started researching how the brain processes holograms and stereoscopic images.
Oct. 17- On this day I also looked up kid-friendly things that kids might be interested in and want to look at.
Oct. 18- I made another poster for my station so people would know that my station was specifically based on holograms.
Oct. 21- I prepared for Dark Matter Day by starting by working on the poster for my holograms. I then continued my research on holograms, stereoscopic images, and how the brain processes these things. After researching these things I added important and relevant information to my poster while also making it easier to understand.
Oct. 22—On October 22nd, I made some changes to my poster and checked to make sure I included relevant things about holograms and not include information about my project.
Oct. 23- Dark Matter Day I didn’t do anything I just looked through some 3d images to see which ones I'd like to include for kids to see, I also doubled my holograms poster to make sure everything was up to par.
Oct 28- Absent
Oct. 29 Absent.
Nov 1- No school
Nov 4.- I caught up on all my entries
Nov. 5th- Researching how to code for control of a 3-dimensional digital object and finding how can I take data from a cat scan and a MRI and turn it into a hologram.
November 8th- I’ve researched how doctors look into the Human body to see what’s happening inside. I found that first doctors used X-rays which used energy beams that go through your body for the detectors to capture the beams. CT scans do the same thing except CT scans use a higher dosage of radiation and the beams rotate around your whole body capturing a 3d picture that contains more information and a clearer look than X-rays. CT scans also take a shorter amount of time and can be done in a minute which is useful for when a patient needs emergent treatment and you need to find out what’s going on, for example, if a GSW (gunshot wound) victim came in and needs immediate treatment. I’ve also looked a little bit at an MRI but I need to read more to report about in my journal. Megan and I also decided that we would come up with questions on Monday for this cardiologist.
On November 11th, Megan and I made questions for a cardiologist who is a friend of Robin Follet, and the purpose is to help me with my project.
On November 12th I spoke with Dr. Joanie and my old principal Dr. Noise and I will be meeting with them in the next few weeks to catch up but also to ask questions about the technological aspect of holograms.
November 19th- This day I was updating my draft of what I would like my poster to consist of and the format I would like to put it in. I also did a bit of research on turning an MRI into a 3D print but I was not able to do a deep dive because it was time to go so I decided to continue the next day.
November 20th- Today, I did a deep dive on how to turn an MRI into a 3D model and if it is possible, and it is. I’ve found links to show me exactly how to do it and resources on what to size it as. The goal now is to obtain an MRI and a DVD of its data so that I can make the Model. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvTnLf8-x7U https://docs.juliaebert.com/projects/3d-print-brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmoPhxqARQk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToIkOpDVfpw https://www.printables.com/model/207798-full-size-human-brain
December 2-6 Monday I worked on my poster and did a little more research on MRI, but all I found was information in this link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK232486/, such as the basis of an MRI and the math that has to be done in order to get magnetic resonance imaging.
December 9-13 All week, I have worked hard and diligently on my poster, Megan is working on editing my poster. This week, doing the poster has helped me see my work through the lens of science and progress. I’ve seen how much science my project takes/needs, and as I worked on my poster, I could see my progress and how far I’ve come with my work. Finally, I had a meeting with Robin, and I will officially meet with the cardiologist YAYYYYYY.
December 16: Megan helped me with all the edits on my poster, and I finished it. Now, all that remains is for it to be printed out.
January 7, 2025 - This year I plan to meet with the cardiologist that I was supposed to have a meeting with last year, become more consistent in journaling, figure out what next after talking to the cardiologist, and maybe start learning how to code for a hologram, DEFINITELY use an MRI to make a 3D model, do more research for holograms, develop a hologram
Monday-Tuessday 1/13/25-1/14/25. Monday I did other work in the co-lab -Megan was notified about this and I was given the okay to do so since it was our first day back from the CA wildfires. On Tuesday, I spoke with a representative from Kaiser Permanente to see about accessing the MRI I had to get a few years ago.
Friday 1/17/25- Today I filled out the form to access my MRI scan.
Monday 1/20/25 - Today I updated my journal and sent Megan the email I was supposed to send her last week (oops 😬). Tomorrow, I plan to add pictures to my journal and do more research on MRI data.
Tuesday 1/21/25 & Wednesday 1/22/25 I watched a video on 3D printing through holography and on Wednesday I did more research on that topic but I’m still having trouble understanding everything so once I’m able to paraphrase or get a grasp on what I’m reading I will explain in my journal.
Friday 1/24/25: I plan to make two more constructions of a hologram that is made from acrylic. The point of this is that if my hypothesis is correct, then when I plan the second construct on top of the first one, the theory is that it will reflect somewhere in the center. This process should start and take place on Monday in class.
9/9/24: I completed my first hologram, it was an error and I failed but that is okay because that means I’m a step closer to my result. What went wrong was that I made my measurements too small and I probably should've not looked at just one YouTube video and probably should've viewed other videos and I also should've asked for help. I know that all my mistakes just mean I’m one step closer to my result.
9/17/24: Yesterday I did exact measurements for my hologram to get the hologram to be centered. I was supposed to use the laser cutter but I was not able to because it was some complications going on with the machine. My initial hypothesis is that I will be able to progress to projectors and see how a 3D hologram looks on that and my home is that I will be able to get a human in the form of a 3D hologram. As previously stated now I'm trying to figure out how to center my hologram so this is a trial and error.
9/18/24: Today I’m catching up on my journal entries, which is about how I'm catching up on my entries lol.