Skylar S.
BIO Active Ecosystem Modeling
Added my plantsss!!
I re-turned on the lights and mister so I don’t kill the plants again.
added moss to hopefully expand their area and added the only alive bromeliad
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2-20-25 - 2-25-25
Added the foam and coconut shavings
made it look more natural and hid the hot glue
i also glued more coconut shavings to hide any glue or foam exposed
Hot glued the climbing stuff for the gecko. made it easier for the foam
separated the drainage layer from the dirt
this was to make it easier to add the foam and coconut shaving on top
prepared coconut shavings for the backround
it comes really compact so I break it apart. (takes while) aka the whole class
removed some of the backround. This makes it easier to add the new expanding foam. it also removes the coconut shaving from the top making it easier to stick.
Going to re-do the terrarium
Ordered more stuff to fix it
figure out water/food dish situation
Add tarp to bottom to protect the dirt
Scrape off top layer of the foam on the sides to get rid of the coconut fibers
add more foam to the sides
Add more things to climb on/Plants on background
I added the plants to the terrarium
These plants were bromeliads
and the rest idk
IDK if there are enough hides/climbing stuff for the gecko.
Maybe see how it reacts to that?
Added isopods and springtails
I cant see any isopods
researched what plants to get.
bromeliads- These are great for the backround
String of turtles- Also for the backround but can be added anywhere
Pothos- Main plant
Aglaonema, or Chinese Evergreen- main plants
For main plants, you need stuff that will provide shelter and can support the geckos weight.
worked on the background.
We added the expanding foam, then added the wood to where we wanted it. then we put the coconut shaving on it to make it look natural
Forget the date
We added the expanding foam and wood to where we wanted it. We opened the coconut shavings but they were really compact. we had to break them apart which took awhile. Once we put the coconut shavings on the outer lawyer of the foam was dry. The next wisrd class we has to scrape the old foam off
Added Silicone to the background. turns out it has to dry.
11/6/24- Ongoing
How to make the background-
Silicone to add grip for the expanding foam. Place cork flats and dust with coconut shavings. Let dry for 24/h
Drainage layer covered by a mesh screen, then put the soil on.
Isopods and sprintails make it bio active
leaf litter on the bottom
How to make a closed terrarium
How they affect the classroom
Will pets affect the classroom?
Changing my reacerch to how diet affects their health/movement
Or using cold therapy ect for joint mobility.
Flaxseed oil contains the most Omega-3
Essential minerals- Calcium (Ca) Phosphorus (P)
Today I worked on editing my email to the university of Knoxville and figuring out who to email.
sadair@tennessee.edu- Large animal professor
tursini@tennessee.edu- Clinical Assistant Professor, Large Animal
I am a part of the WISRD stem institute at Wildwood School in LA. I am doing a research project on PEMF therapy and saw you do it with baby seven! I am reaching out to see if you have any articles or information you have that will help with the structure of how to build it, what frequency to use, and if it is safe enough to use on horses without any prior knowledge. I have been around horses since I was little and have gotten into riding for the past 2 years. I currently don't have my horse but I am working with my trainer's horses. My goal is to see the improvement in one of the horses with arthritis and overall just help keep the horses comfortable.
Skylar Sherman
I am a part of the WISRD stem institute at Wildwood School in LA. I am doing a research project on PEMF therapy and saw you do it with baby seven! I am reaching out to see if you have any articles or information you have that will help with the structure of how to build it, what frequency to use, and if it is safe enough to use on horses without any prior knowledge. I have been around horses since I was little and have gotten into riding for the past 2 years. I currently don't have my horse but I am working with my trainer's horses. My goal is to see the improvement in one of the horses with arthritis and overall just help keep the horses comfortable.
Skylar Sherman
Found the boots that I am going to be putting the device in.
I am going to cut it open and sew it closed.
I also started a draft to reach out to the University of Knoxville about their PEMF research and how they can help.
Today I mapped out the horse’s leg structure. The muscles, tendons, and bones
Today I worked on learning the layout of a PMF Device
Statement of interest, Spring 2024: (from institute application): I am interested in Wisrd because I want to be a vet/vet tech. Being in wisrd I might have a chance to learn about animal sciences. another reason I want to join is I enjoy everything about science and I think I will have a lot of fun at this institute.