Sophia W.
WISRD Member
My kombuchas all are brewing nicely no mold and I have now two entries in the Observation log.
I have started an Observation Log so I can track my kombuchas’ progress. Linked here and in the links section. I take photos and journal in writing about the texture, scent, look, etc.
I checked my kombuchas today is day 4 on day 5 I can start testing them (Ph and other observations). I should have used clear glass jars so I could see any changes, but the dark is beneficial for fermenting and bacterial growth.
I started my lab/experiment! I followed the procedure (Kombucha and PCR procedure) which means that all of my kombuchas have the same base tea + 60ml of their respective starter tea and their respective Scobys.
All of my stuff for my kombucha brewing has arrived which means I can start my project!
I am not sure if my experiment data will be useful. From my Kombucha brewing and PCR lab I plan to gather data of the makeup of said kombuchas which I can then relate to other’s research or my own in my stress level testing. Basically I hope that the data I collect will be that: There is this thing present in the kombucha and this thing is proven to help aid or hinder human health.
I have finished my Kombucha Brewing Procedure. It has a list of materials, how I will go about brewing the tea, and all that encompasses the making of kombucha. (I still need to work on the sterilization portion).
The table expands. By Friday of this week, I hope to have a completed table with all the yeasts, molds, bacteria (bacteria probiotics), etc, as well as extra info and primer stuff.
I have made additional resources as well as decided to save my stress level testing for a later date. (Added Links)
I switched my experiment to a more realistic line of study. I will now be growing 6 kombuchas 4 with scobys 2 with home-started scobys, and testing their makeup through the use of DNA primers for PCR and DNA sequencing.
I am continuing to work on my procedure. I started on the kombucha section and this week I hope to complete the amounts and methods of consumption for each probiotic food.
I started my procedure and began forming my test form. I have started on my survey in order to gather information to then start actual experimentation in my project. Survey #0.
Moving forward with my project on probiotics and how it affects gut health and stress levels. I have begun to plan out the process of my first test. (Stress Level Test doc). I hope through this to find not only evidence but also direction to continue my project moving towards gut related subjects.
THIRD TIME MY Entries didn’t save
The agar plates were left out at room temperature overnight. Both plates had very slight growth. On plate #1 there was very slight white growths, they looked almost like the constancy of the agar but opaque and raised. On plate #2 I can see only a small white dot growing on the side labeled nose, there is no growth I can see on the cheeks side.
Today I began experimentation with agar plates. On one plate (Plate #1) I swabbed a nasty moldy mixture of yogurt and water that had been marinading in my backpack for roughly a month. Hypothesis: The agar plate of the spoiled yogurt and water mixture will grow mold. The second plate (Plate #2) is my face, is 1/2 cheek and 1/2 nose. Hypothesis: The side of the agar plate titled nose will have more bacterial growth than the side titled cheeks. Now I have physical proof I’m actually doing stuff.
I need to do more with probiotics, but today I did not. I looked at a flower petal under a microscope.It was microscope exploration and I have figured out a little more about using a microscope. I should watch a video or ask for help. I have noticed that there is a lot more collaborating in science than i though. I just need to actually start the expiremeneting part of my project (a bifidiobacterium culture. )
I am a little stuck and Im not 100%sure how to move my project forwards. I started working on planning and testing my dark matter day project. For my project I will combine both circuitry and biology. Specifically there will be a clothespin circuit in which an LED diode lights up, and this diode will be powered by a lithium coin battery. To include biology we will make the project focused on bees and what they pollinate. I will add a battery to the inside of paper flowers that they can clip and power their bee clothespin. I will include other things they can clip onto like coins and plastic rounds covered by objects that bees don’t pollinate so that the kids can learn both about the circuit and the thing bees pollinate.
My laptop died and I could not find the anatomy coloring guides, so I had to try something else. I found the books: The New Science of Consciousness - Paul N. Nunez, and Human Anatomy - Van de Graff. I found some more questions and furthered my knowledge of the parts of the human body that would come into contact with the probiotics. Learning about the large intestine inner wall was the most helpful. The book on human consciousness was more of a for fun read but it did open my world to what we ingest and its affect on our view of the world.
Yogurt was unsuccessful. I was unable to see any probiotics. I used the strongest microscope lense setting and viewed the yogurt plain first when I was unable to see anything I added some water in hopes of making the possible bacteria visible. I tested non-fat yogurt, I would like to try again seeing as I would have better knowldge of the microscope functions and full-fat yogurt. To move forward I have made a table where I will track my findings in other food products.
I used the microscope!! Huzzah. I spent most of the class figuring out the functions of the microscope. I looked at a sample from the W.I.L.D lab tank, there were so many things, most notably the little shrimp looking thing. I want to continue using the microscope connecting it to my project by exploring probiotic heavy food / food containing bifidobacterium ex: yogurt. I will gather a table of info on all I explore using the microscope. (Its a really cool microscope).
I have been working on collecting data in both my notebook and my noodletools. I have finally come to a sort of decision on what i want to focus on: Bifidobacterium and its affect on the the gut and brain. I want to explore the connection between gut health and mental health (I know there is a lot of research already), so i would be applying the bifidobacterium
This week in WISRD I figured out what my project was going to be on (Probiotics in the aid and prevention of sickness). I also began to start researching, stroring my information in both noodle tools and my notebook.
Statement of interest, Spring 2024:
(from institute application): I am interested in participating in WISRD because I would like to explore Food science, more specifically the bacteria/probiotics in food products that enhance or diminish our health. I hope I can explore the process of fermentation, as well as how bacterias have an effect on the human body, and how we can use the bacteria/probiotics in ways that would maximize their effects. In WISRD, I hope to learn as much as I can. I have no prior experience working with food science, but I would really like to learn. The only way to learn is to try, and the place for me to try would be WISRD. I hope being in WISRD will push me to explore things that I find intimidating or interesting both independently and with others. If I am unable to start this project, I would be perfectly happy collaborating with others on already existing projects