Zach B
may 22 24’
https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Vzlji-U9q-X3Ml1uAcIbpe0PeaTvMsi79LWtmMM8tM/edit final class of wisrd for the year and ive finished my cv and list of materials that I would need for salt water powered cars.
Radiofrequency generator
Magnesium salts
Battery pack
Magnesium sheet
Engine (find dimensions)
Toy car (build my own)
Battery pack
Magnesium sulfate solution
Sodium carbonate
Conical flask
Magnesium sulfate- carbon cathode
Fuel tank
Magnesium plate
April 30th 2023
right now I am researching how magnesium is dissolving and how magnesium salts would potentially have the ability to power the car. I am getting a deeper understand on magnesium carbonate.
April 25th 2023
yesterday was poster session ( link to my poster )
I will do more research on the amount of energy salt makes per ounce and the amount gasoline makes. I will also find the chemicals that make the reaction with the salt and magnesium which is what is turning the battery on and creating electricity.
April 24 2023
poster session is today, everything is done and set up. i am finishing my project proposal now. Finished note cards for poster session, i am including details of harms of gas and electric powered cars and benefits of salt. I also speak on the future plans for my lab.
April 18th 2023
okay finally my journals are working again, so far recently i have completed my poster on salt water powered cars. I have included similar information to the information I included on my inquirer article. After I have finished those two things, i have been working on a project proposal. On that, I have been focusing mostly on materials and specifics of the project. right now i have a clear outline of my project plan but need to work on narrowing it down to everything i will need like materials.
I finished my pitch and it is turned in so I am waiting to see if it will be approved or not. Right now I am doing research on salt water powered cars. I have found some of the materials I will need to create the salt water power. There is magnesium, copper plate with terminal of the motor. I am going to find some more stuff about salt water powered cars and figure out exactly what I want my project to be. As of now I am planning on making a smaller scale of a salt water powered car and from there deciding how I will make a full sized salt water powered car. At that point I will be using most likely a used car and change the engine. I am going to find more stuff on how cars are made and research cars more.
finishing inquirer pitch:
Working toward finishing my Inquirer pitch. The pitch is based around the research I have done on salt water powered cars and their benefit to the environment and how they would become an everyday car.
Beginning to research on salt water powered cars. My superconductor group is working on emailing people to get materials that we would need to make the superconductors. For salt water powered cars I am looking at what other materials go into making the car powered. I am looking to see if I want to continue this or do another project, right now I am looking also at how salt water cars would benefit people.
Poster session tomorrow, poster is finished and working on second project right now. Finishing research on how salt water will power electric cars. The salt water makes a reaction between the salt and the certain type of metal. This makes an electric reaction that makes it possible to use it in other things for electricity, such as lights and cars.
Maybe starting second project using friends Into The Wild from previous year. The project is salt water powered cars. Right now I have sources that were used for ITW to look over and research what goes into making a salt water powered car and how they function. I will use the sources and slide show from their Into The Wild for ideas for information and plans.
ITW: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aBUqFFxkGoFU0JyCcXM_tUtHRRifEmTaWET0UDrApfs/edit#slide=id.g16a66786611_0_0 JULIA KESSLER
I found a source that has instructions on how to power electricity with salt water. I can use also information from ITW work to do this. https://www.homesciencetools.com/article/saltwater-circuit-project/#:~:text=When%20you%20put%20salt%20in,can%20help%20to%20produce%20electricity.
Poster session next Tuesday, poster nearly finished. Adding information to poster about why superconductors and beneficial and helpful. Adding information about how it would save money and power. Superconductors save money and power because they do not heat up so if there was a superconductor that could work at room temperature, we could have electricity without needing expensive cooling systems. Currently on the poster there is information about superconductors and right now I am working towards adding information about the long term goal of having a superconductor that works at room temperature. Also adding information about how superconductors work and what materials would be needed to create a superconductor. As of now the superconductor poster is almost finished just adding some finishing touches. The superconductor can give the energy efficiently as well which is information that adds to the question of “What are superconductors and how are they useful?”. They are useful because they efficiently give energy that does not cause any friction to pass through. It does this by creating composite bosons. Once it does this process, the superconductor will not cause friction, which will not cause heat.
the poster is mostly and finished and right now just adding photos of stuff that we will be buying.
Normally, when electrons travel through materials, they drag the atoms around, which creates heat. In a superconductor, the electrons are able to bond into “Composite Bosons” and travel through with NO resistance, and therefore no heat. Boson’s have a spin of +/- 1, and can move through materials with no resistance. Leptons, (a group which electrons are part of) have a spin of +/- 0.5. When they combine, they act like a boson. (even when the spin cancels out to 0.) Note that while the electrons ACT like bosons, they are NOT bosons.
Working and finishing poster for poster session on dec 12th. Adding information about how electrons turn into cooper pairs and act as composite bosons.
Starting poster draft for the poster session. The poster draft is due on 12-6. A lot of research is done and I have a decent understanding on superconductors. Superconductivity happens when they are cooled below a critical temperature. Once it is cooled it has a magnetic affect. It also turns the electrons into composite bosons. Composite bosons are electrons that act as bosons. They travel through stuff without causing resistance.
Working on superconductor, emailing colleges to get a lab for the superconductor. Everyone has a good understanding on superconductor and we have been doing a lot of research on them. We have emailed 9 (emailing more too). Working towards finding materials and a lab.
Dark matter day review: I dropped the super conductor in liquid nitrogen. That caused us to lose the thing we needed so next time going over a functioning system to put the super conductor in the liquid nitrogen could be very helpful. In the future also more testing could be helpful. A challenge was we did not get to test until the day of because we had to pick up the liquid nitrogen. That gave us limited time to come up with a system for the superconductor.
Using mini superconductor for dark matter day, stuff arrived and put together.
How does flight work
to fly you would need to have four times your surface area?
birds have air sacs on their lungs making them lighter so the air passes through their lungs easily.
Superconductor proposal
Making wings that let humans fly with an engine
Human flight:
Flight happens because of four forces, lift, thrust, drag, and weight. For humans wings to work you would need at least 21.98 feet of wings that flap at, at least 43 times per second.
Airplane wings are made of aluminum. Bat and bird wings have bones. Bug wings do not have bones.
Statement of interest, Spring 2023: I am currently doing the apprenticeship in WISRD, I am doing a study on snail behavior. In WISRD I would continue doing research on creatures and I would like to do more research involving behavior. I am very interested in Biology and I find evolution very interesting. An idea I have that I would like to do would be making a tank or a small habitat where things are mutated and you see how the species inside of the tank change and evolve. I also am interested in physics and something very interesting would be doing a smaller scale of a super collider or something similar to this. There are so many things in science I would love to focus on, but my main ideas would be focusing on doing research in biology and learning about the brain.